Monday 30 September 2013

Plastics Dressings

Dressing room
Plastics dressings is my job title at the moment. This job means my whole day is taken up with changing dressings (bandages) on the plastic surgery patients. As some of you know I have been working in a plastics ward back at home and are used to dressings. But here on the ship is slightly different, as there are different dressing we use and the way we clean the wounds is different. It is good to see what works here better than what we are use to at home.
It has been 4 weeks since we started plastic surgeries here in Congo. There have been up's and down's. One of my own struggles is when we have a patient with an infection in their wound. But I pray that God will healed them that the infection will go and I trust Him that He can do it, he is a God who heals.

dressing room
One of the best things is when you see the change in the skin graft, it is healing!!! The infection is gone or is going and it is not longer a problem.
When the skin graft is healing so well that soon the patient will be able to go home. The telling of the patient that they should be going home soon, that the surgery they have had has worked, that they will be able move their limb or use their hand which they have not been able to use for years, their precious smiles and their eyes glistening from happiness, their thank you's. Then in that moment I realise why God has brought me here.

 I love the fact that God has a plan in everything, little did I know when I moved to Swansea 8 years ago, that God had bigger plans for me. I got a job in Burns but then they added plastics to it. From there I have been able to gain knowledge and now I am able to use my skills and knowledge which God has given me.
One of the patients with their dad

Playing on the ward floor
 To be able to use my skills and knowledge on the people of Congo has been such an experience and reward, which  I would never have thought possible.

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