Sunday 2 September 2012

Screening day tomorrow!

The big screening day is tomorrow!!!! It takes place in Conakry in the People's Palace.

This is when thousands of people come to be seen, they wait to hours just for the chance to be seen by a surgeon, for some this is the last chance they have to be healed! They don't have the money they need to have the operation in the local hospital, or the local hospital may no have the specialised surgeon they need.
They are seen by our surgeons and then if we are able to do the surgery they are given an appointment to come to the ship to have their life changing surgery!
Screening day is a great day, to be able to give people hope they had thought they would never had, to see their smiles as they walk away with an appointment card. But it is not all great as there will be people we cannot help, please pray for them, that they may know peace.

There has been a lot of work gone into the screening day, but still pray that everything will go smoothly and that the right people we can help will come.

This is the outside area of the People's Palace, where thousands of people will wait for hours to be seen!

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